Black Mass

Black Mass

What it is: The struggle between Johnny Depp’s lack of artistic integrity and Benedict Cumberbatch’s mass appeal.

Pros: +Very intriguing pacing of the trailer.

+Likable lead.

Cons: -Let’s see…Suddenly tense dinner, double speak, extravagant spending of money. Looks like all the gangster movie cliches are here.

Overall score: 2/5 stars (I probably won’t go see this movie)

Nothing really screams out to me in this trailer. It seems like just another generic crime movie. And, as mentioned earlier, I just wanted to see if Cumberbatch could carry a Johnny Depp movie, but he didn’t even show up!

Penguins of Madagasca

The Penguins of Madagascar

What it is: Dreamworks pictures, realizing they’ve pretty much beaten the franchise of Madagascar to death, is attempting to salvage what they believe is still good with a spin-off! Hey, it worked for Shrek, right? Wait a minute…….

Pros: +”Danger Zone” somehow seems appropriate for this trailer.

Cons: -Hey Dreamworks. You know that octopi don’t have teeth, right? And then jumping from a plane won’t make you burn up like a meteor? Otherwise, the sport of skydiving got a lot more dangerous.

-Do the penguins really need a back story? They’re CGI penguin’s for crying out loud!

-Wasn’t the thing that made the penguins funny how badly they sucked at being spies? Now their going to save the world? Hopefully with plenty of scrapes along the way.

-It’s the “At the trailers” scavenger hunt! First one to find a good joke in this trailer wins!

Overall Score: 1/5 (I will not go see this movie)

Even though Dreamworks does good work, they seem to have a problem knowing where to stop these days. Obviously, this film is targeted towards children and families, of which I am neither. That being said, this movie has two things your child should be tired of already, CGI penguins, and Madagascar. Besides, isn’t there a passable television series about these penguins on Nick? I think they need to see how well that does in the rating before they get a film adaption.